PMMA purchase
At Monómeros del Vallés we purchase methyl methacrylate (PMMA) as a raw material to be reclaimed from sheets, sacks of ground material, pellets, trimmings from cages or boxes, liquid syrups, etc.
Everything is welcome, from small quantities to full loads.
The material we receive should always come on a pallet or be conveniently packaged to ensure easy unloading.
We cannot accept PMMA mixed with other materials (such as PVC) nor shavings from acrylic plate cutting as neither are optimal for the recycling process.
Should you have any of these types of material and require further information, do not hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to help you.
Reclaiming and recycling methyl methacrylate
Monómeros del Vallés S.L.
C/ Libra 51 - Polígon Industrial Can Perellada - 08228 - Terrassa (Barcelona)
Tel.: (+34) 93 785 69 50 - E-mail: